Trending on Twitter

Trending on Twitter

What the Trend is a great tool for seeing what’s hot on Twitter week-to-week. Last week the big topics were the film Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. The Michael Cera flick has been the subject of much social media chatter since Universal Studios’ offer to release the trailer a week early once they hit 100,000 Facebook likers. Leo DiCaprio mind-bender Inception and all-action, all-the-time uber-A-list-cast offering, The Expendables, also rated in the top ten weekly Twitter topics.

The Brazilian elections have been huge – not surprising considering Brazil, like Australia, is a nation of social media fanatics. Dona Delma also trended very well, especially considering she is a hoax persona dreamed up by Brazilians on the Orkut social network for the sole purpose of getting her into Twitter trending topics. Mission accomplished. This is another in a string of Brazilian Twitter tomfoolery, the most famous of which was the CALA BOCA GALVAO phenomenon which occurred during the World Cup. The phrase actually means “Shut up Galvao” in Portuguese – Galvão Bueno being a particularly platitudinarian sportscaster who was irritating Brazilian football fans. After the status began trending the rest of the world wanted to know what the hell it meant, and Brazilians wanted it to remain trending, so they made up an elaborate story to get ignorant westerners retreating. CALA BOCA GALVAO hence became everything from Lady Gaga’s rumoured next single to an endangered bird in need of protection (they use the feathers for Carnivale costumes!)

Soccer also rated highly on Twitter, continuing a trend for football Twitter talk that was highlighted by the trending topic domination by the World Cup earlier this year. Other topics that rated included Korean’s answer to the Backstreet Boys, Super Junior, Indonesian Independence Day and Twitter stalwart Justin Bieber.

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