Flowplayer now supports iPhone and iPad

Flow Player is A Free & Open Source Embedded Video Player for Your Website.

iPad and iPhone support

With Flowplayer 3.2.3 your audience can see videos with iPad and iPhone. Because Flash is not supported on those devices the build in Quick Time player is being used instead. This feature works on the fly if you setup your player like this

<a href="path/to/video.mp4">
        <img src="splash-image.png" />

This has been preferred syntax for installing Flowplayer since day one. iPad and iPhone can now simply follow the link and play the video. And if you are using our new iPad plugin the video will play inside the player container.

The amazing thing is that with Quick Time 10 users can seek ahead in the video to a part not yet downloaded if the server supports byte range requests. Luckily most servers do including IIS.

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