Motivating digital interactions in advance of release

This is an old trick we used to use in the gaming industry – tell the punters about what’s coming and how to get exclusive access and they’ll jump all over it.  We did this with most major new releases and it’s still a major arm to any video game campaign.  “Sign up now to receive VIP access, bonus game credits to start with and special levels”.  The gamers getting in on day one are most likely to blog about it and hold a strong loyalty to the game.

The pre release campaign for Amicus goes one better with a “invite friends to be bumped up the waiting list!” CTA.  Awesome.  Most importantly, when the project goes live there is a database of users that will be sent a link saying “it’s live – click here!”, therefore, massive numbers from day one, a rolling start rather than starting from zero.

This technique can apply to anything we create.  It’s a great way to build excitement, engagement and user loyalty “i was there from the start!”.  If we had done this with something like Taronga or Red Balloon with an add on exclusive for firsties “free widgets for firsties!” CTA we would have had greater awareness, loyalty and day one numbers.

Something to add for the next relevant site, app, music video launch?

Incidentally – hit the link below to sign up for Amicus. Do it.  Blog post with more info here.

Sign up for Amicus here.

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