Not sure what you are up to tomorrow? Well a British research group seems to think they’ll know even if you’re not sure. They’ve written proof of concept software that tracks your movements via your phone and combines that with social interaction data to predict where you’ll be, even if it’s a deviation from your normal routine. Sounds crazy I know and I’m sure you’re all probably thinking is there a way to turn this off!? But consider the possible uses, it could be used to recommend you other fun things you might be able to slot into your day based on where you are and who or what is around you. Alternatively it could be used to bring the PreCrime department dreamed of in Minority Report to life, without the need for psychic intervention.

What will you be doing tomorrow?
By Rick Lannan
on August 22, 2012
in Social Media, Technology
tagged with data, technology
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- Rick Lannan
- Melbourne's Tech Director jumped into the Deepend early 2012 with 10 years industry backing keeping him afloat. His passion for functional beauty and all things web allows him to create things he loves. In his spare time you'll find Rick scaling walls, shooting goals and banging bass lines. Find him at
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