via The Next Web:
Now, more than ever, is the time for brands and companies to begin understanding how the chaotic and real-time world of Twitter can massively influence the ways in which consumers perceive them.
With so many different channels of communication and new social networks popping up every other day, it’s not difficult to see why brands tend to miss the mark when it comes to efficiently using individual marketing platforms for their intended purpose. For example, although Facebook is obviously a social networking tool, the majority of consumers who use Facebook are not quite the same as Twitter users when it comes to influencing the general public about a brand.
Twitter users are an entirely different breed of consumers and need to be treated as such if a brand hopes to succeed on the platform.
How do I figure?
In a recent report from Exact Target (a global Software as a Service leader that connects customers with organizations through marketing), it’s been found that daily active Twitter users — AKA, the consumers who actually reach out to or follow brands via Twitter — are 3x more likely to amplify the influence of that brand than, say, a Facebook user would.
Who are Twitter users and why are they so important to your brand?
Of the users who are active on Twitter daily:
· 72% publish blog posts at least once a month
· 70% comment on others’ blog posts
· 61% write at least one product review a month
· 61% comment on news sites
· 56% write articles for third-party sites
· 53% post videos online
· 50% make contributions to wiki sites
· 48% share deals found through coupon forums
In essence: What happens on Twitter doesn’t stay on Twitter.
Discussions that begin on the platform are more likely to appear elsewhere on the web than they are from any other network. Brands need to begin paying attention to their Twitter Followers as these consumers represent the most influential online users. Brands should be treating Twitter as an entirely different ecosystem of users, rather than directing brand messages on Twitter towards the majority of their consumers.
Active Twitter users count themselves as those who actually want to influence others. In fact, 73% of Twitter users have said that it is their goal on the platform to accumulate larger audiences, and are incredibly selective about who they choose to follow.
When it comes to identifying a group of consumers who are most likely to impact your brand’s online reputation, get to know your Twitter FOLLOWERS. These consumers are three times more likely than the average consumer to publish to a blog at least once per month (53% compared to 18%), and the content might mention your brand. From submitting product reviews and commenting on news stories to participating in discussion forums and maintaining personal websites, FOLLOWERS represent the most influential online consumer. And while many passive Twitter users are decreasing their use of this channel, the highly-influential daily Twitter users (a.k.a. Megaphones—download The Social Profile for more information) continue to increase their use. These consumers blog, comment, write online articles, and post to wikis more often than any other online consumer.
What happens on Twitter doesn’t stay on Twitter…. (continued)