Facebook News: Pages, Interactive Video App, 50%+ Americans Are Users

Is it just me or is there an unusually large amount of Facebook news today? THIS CALLS FOR A LINK DUMP!

Ashley Boo Turns a Facebook Profile Into an Interactive Marketing Campaign

Ashley Boo’s Facebook profile may look like any other page, but it isn’t long until Ashley jumps off the page and starts dancing, screaming or headbanging. That’s because Boo is actually an interactive Facebook app inspired by last year’s successful “Hunter Shoots a Bear” YouTube campaign.

Ashley Boo is a video profile designed to promote Rounds, a video chat client for Facebook. The page, built in Flash, allows for a range of different user interactions, based on what you click or type.

The key to the Ashley Boo campaign is the Facebook status update bar, which asks, “What would you like to do together?” Typing in something will trigger Ashley to participate in one of 35 different activities, from shooting her friends to going on a date.


Facebook Adds Names To Page Recommendations

One of our readers has pointed out that Facebook page suggestions sent by administrators now include their names next to recommendations.

This simple addition draws a lot more attention to these recommendations than the previous text-only suggestions. And the photos also complement the addition of the friend icon next to the words “suggest to friends” in the right-hand column of the admin panel.

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Facebook targets creatives

Facebook Studio’s objectives include encouraging communications the sharing of best practices, lessons from previous experience and views on proposed advertising executions.
Facebook, the social network, is rolling out new tools offering opportunities for creative agencies, brand owners and market researchers.

According to the Financial Times, the Web 2.0 platform is introducing a service specifically for advertising creatives, operating under the title Facebook Studio, next month.

Jennifer Kattula, the online giant’s manager of agency marketing, hopes this digital space will alter perceptions among this audience.

“One of the biggest challenges that people talk to us about is that Facebook is not a place to be creative because the ad unit size is so small, and there’s no sight, sound and motion,” she said.

“The idea is that social is creative. It’s more than just ads.”


More Than Half The US Population Now on Facebook

According to an insightful new report from the folks at Arbitron, Inc. and Edison Research, Faceboook has secured a major milestone in the United States.

Today, more than half of all Americans (at least those over the age of 12) now have Facebook accounts. The company says it de-activates approximately 20,000 profiles daily due to underage users.
By a margin of 51%, Facebook has officially captured a majority of the United States population – a massive spike over the 8% recorded just 36 months ago.

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