
Video Games Assisting In Recovery Of Stroke Victims

Stroke victims need extensive therapy to regain control of their bodies and their lives. Major strokes can leave entire sides of a body paralyzed so it is imperative to focus therapy on that side of the body.

While some techniques and time-tested therapies have proved their value time and time again, many physical therapists are seeing the value in using video games for helping stroke victims.

Video games require several different skills that will help stroke victims recover. Playing video games requires manual dexterity, coordination and fast reflexes. Stroke victims benefit from all three of these things, and the video game allows them to use all three skills at one time.

Manual dexterity is necessary for playing video games because of the complex joystick and button move combinations. A stroke victim must learn to use both hands to play the game, and the paralyzed side must work in tandem with the normal side to perform each move combination.

Since a stroke affects how a victim walks and uses limbs, the video games help with coordination. As games move from joysticks to physical movements, stroke victims use their bodies to move characters on the screen or perform movements.

Watch any 10 year old play video games, and you will see how lightning fast reflexes help in video games. Stroke victims have compromised reflexes; the games help victims compensate for and improve on reflexes.

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