Shoot real time collabrative video between 4 iPhones

This is looking the business!  Allows people to shoot together with the “director” switching between cameras – stay tuned for a lot more home made news, sports and sitcoms done badly, made easier!

Our in-house video team will absolutely love/hate this one 😉


A few topline ideas:

Wedding – make better use of guests shooting the event

Adventure sports operators – think bunjie jumping, car hot laps etc; mount iphones to helmets and mix with long shots on the fly to sell the results on the spot

Music videos using live events – invite the audience to collaborate; the director mixes their footage on the fly and adds to the professional mix (this one’s for your next pitch Nick!)

Homemade porn – thanks for the input Isaac

4WDing – inside, outside, LS iPhones mixing footage as difficult tracks are traversed – this would be a great tool to use in overcoming obstacles and results in a great video too.


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