
I, like many other people, didn’t notice todays big headline across the Daily Telegraph! I mean who would, it is arguably one of the worst newspapers in NSW. I get my daily news hits from blogs and online news sites like most of us do in today’s digitally driven world. So to my dismay, when I logged on today to see what news is buzzing around the world, low and behold I come across this article proving my point about how unbelievably nonsensical this newspapers is.

I’m sure we’ve all heard about the recent trolling wars that have been hording the internet over the past few months. Like the article I came across summarises; we have the story of Charlotte Dawson (Aust. Next Top Model) and the infamous NRL/footballer, Robbie Farah who were both literally bashed on Twitter with extremely inconsiderate and shameful comments. The behaviour from the trollers out there is undeniably a horrible act and without a doubt, something should be done to prevent situations like this from happening. I would even go as far to say, that what happened to them is criminal.

Unfortunately the people who made these attacks through social media are being called trolls, but I would have to disagree with this. Trolling is the act of “One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.” OK, I got this from Urban Dictionary, but never the less, trolling is not about telling people to kill themselves or harassing someone about their deceased mother. That’s just plain….wrong!

So how do we address this issue, well I don’t have that answer but the Telegraph apparently do *insert sarcasm.* What the Telegraph has done is just….well to say the least…hypocritical and is in fact doing what troller want, feeding them the attention.

The Telegraph today posted on their page “Stop the Trolls” and the articles then continues to rally people up to out the trollers.

But wait……isn’t this trolling?! Yes it is!….so the Telegraph wants to solve the problem of trolling, by trolling!

Nice job Telegraph, really stickin’ it to them.

Read more on the topic here

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