
Unhappy customers…

Facebook just seems to be one of those “places” that people constantly decry but yet they cannot leave. It’s like a car crash. It attracts a crowd, which in turn brings more people, and then you can’t look away in case you miss something. But if the collective whinging of most of my friends is anything to go by then I think it’s pretty safe to say that if a serious competitor to Facebook launched tomorrow then my mates would be trading places faster than the Millennium Falcon doing the Kessel Run.

I like many was excited when Google + launched, but quickly saddened by the fact that I couldn’t invite my friends to join unless they already had a Gmail account or were willing to get one. Massive fail there by Google. Way to lock out millions of potential G+’ers. Yet here we are months later and G+ is still about, and it feels like its ever so slowly gathering traction… ever so slowly. And why not with a recent customer satisfaction score of 78 (same as Wikipedia) compared to Facebook’s 61% (a nearly 8% drop since 2011)… But the fact that Google+ still isn’t blazing any trails got me thinking – are we really all just gluttons for punishment who will accept anything Facebook does (apparently the introduction of Timeline is one of the biggest reasons people feel Facebook has failed them) or does Facebook have such a stranglehold on the social space that we’re afraid to try something new?

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