

Who remembers the Google info graphic video that was created for the ABC’s Hungry Beast show back in 2010? It is still one of my favourites even though it might be slightly out of date now. In case you’re interested here’s a link http://youtu.be/R7yfV6RzE30. In this short video the message is essentially ‘Google: trying hard not to be evil’ – and let’s face it the search super giant is one behemoth that could very easily turn to the dark side, if it hasn’t already as some people would I’m sure argue. This then brings me to a piece of tech news I rolled over today that is making the web rounds. Google is encouraging hand picked neighbourhoods across the USA to sign up for $10 each in order to have Google fibre installed, which would deliver them some nice high speed broadband one assumes. However Google won’t install the fibre unless certain targets are met sign-ups wise, which means this will determine which areas get Google fibre first. It just makes you think though… today Google are dropping fibre in America… tomorrow the world! What do you think? Will Google fibre rule the world? Or will players already entrenched in the market, like Disney’s Time Warner, thwart them from the outset?

Sourced my news from: http://techcrunch.com/2012/07/29/kc-google-fiber-threshold-20-percent/

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