All posts tagged retail


An interesting article on SMH Life & Style on the free Buycott app.

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By now, most brands have figured out that the best way to get engagement in this Pinterest-saturated age is by posting photos. Now, Facebook is catering to this trend by offering some brands the option to post those photos with actions including “want,” “collect” and, of course, “Like.” Products within a collection will also have a Buy link, sending people offsite to purchase a product

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The Consumer Barometer is an interactive tool that helps you quantify the role of online in the consumer […]

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“Most marketers think that the best way to hold onto customers is through “engagement” — interacting as much as possible with them and building relationships. It turns out that that’s rarely true. In a study involving more than 7000 consumers, we found that companies often have dangerously wrong ideas about how best to engage with customers. Consider these three myths.”

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Mobile checkouts have far more advantages than being a simple way for customers to pay for products

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