
Too Cool for School

OK so we’ve all finally admitted that online shopping is the way of the future, and those naysayers who didn’t agree are going the way of the empty shops for lease on most shopping strips around the country. There are so many great online shopping destinations from Etsy to ASOS, and now there’s one more. The Cools takes the bare-bones of Pinterest and mixes it with the essence of Etsy, and creates a magical potion tailor made to part a fashion conscious vintage loving fool like me from their hard earned clams. Signing up is as easy as popping in your Facebook login details, and then your ready to buy buy buy or sell sell sell. A quick look through the site this morning yielded a cornucopia of goodness, but also got me thinking…. Imagine if all online shopping was as easy and enjoyable as this?

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One Comment

  1. I love it. They’ve really capitalised on the success of Pinterest, and the appeal of Etsy – it’s got the best of both worlds.

    Thanks for sharing your find, although I can see it sending me broke already!

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