Nomad have been busy of late working with Moshcam to bring live music content to iPhone, iPad and Apple TV in glorious HD.
What does this mean for the music market? For the user it means access to high quality HD music content wherever they are, in video or audio mode as well as the ability to stream to their home TV. For content providers, the app showcases the ability to extend the reach of traditional content and importantly, earn revenue. Unique to anything available on PC, the app is a content delivery solution that adapts to users changing device use, from mobile browsing artists while at the café to listening to music at the bus stop and then pushing to the TV when back in the lounge room on their iPhone or iPad. The app answers a users preferred content interactions specific to time and place.
As consumers digital consumption evolves, brands are either being left behind wondering where the crowd went or are capitalising on audience insights. Brands that can identify these insights and react to deliver content aligned with their audiences evolving lifestyle will come out winning.
For anyone looking to create a revenue stream from their video content, Moshcam’s success story is an obvious influence. They’ve created a new channel on the bones of the existing music industry. They’ve identified the new micro gaps in music lovers lives that traditional music providers have failed to capitalise on – the valuable 15 minute bus ride to work, the 5 minutes of café time between meetings, the 7 minute ad breaks on the couch in front of an increasingly connected TV.
Through the Moshcam apps mobile accessibility they’re in a position to capture this audience and with their quality music content, they’re able to expand these short moments into rock and roll viewing time all the way to the users home theatre. Welcome to the music revolution!
Download the app here –
Video here –
Case study here –