
iPhone5 Fails at Innovation, But That Won’t Stop it Breaking Sales Records

So it’s now official. The iPhone5 has been let out of cage and into the media spotlight. The all mighty Apple describe it, it’s “the biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone.” Ok Apple…seriously need to find new copy writers! Never the less, it’s out in the wild and it’s thinner, blacker, lighter, packs a new larger 4 inch screen (something I bet Steve Jobs is turning in his grave about), a faster graphics chip (the A6) and other new technical pieces bringing it back up to date with the latest mobile devices. So what’s so special about the iPhone5?

Well to put it simply, nothing! When the iPhone3G first came out, it set a benchmark for all mobile devices with it’s elegant design, inuitive UI and great selection of apps. When the iPhone4 came out, it changed how mobile devices needed to interact with each, had smoother UI and camera tech that made even professional camera artist smile, upping the overall benchmark again for mobile devices again. The iPhone5 has……well, it changes nothing!

Lets look at what the device is now offering:

· All new thinner design – oh wow!

· Camera now with panorama

· All new and better gaming

· 4 inch retina display

· Maps with directions

· Faster Wireless

· 4G LTE

· And an improved Siri

· Still no NFC though!! Cummon Apple!

So where is the innovation that Apple is so renouned for breaking? They speak of changin the game again and the biggest thing to happen yet each one of these “new” features have been available on Android devices for a long time now.

The Motorola Razors, Samsun Galaxy S3/S2 and HTC One X are all very thin phones which all offer almost every feature listed above (exluding Siri). Not only this, but it does it better. Google Maps, a prime example, has been available since the iPhone first launched and has only been improved apon since – Google even launched navigation over a year ago! Google has been driving around the streets for years now, mapping out the world. Not only this, but the technology they use for mapping out information records every bit of detail such as street names, building names, road signs, traffic conditions – the works! This leaves Apple maps void of any usueful information which Google already has – and has been collecting for years. (great article for more info here:

So what else does Apple have; camera – Android have had Panorama since the Galaxy S, and it is amazing quality now in the S3. LTE; GS3, GS2, Motorola and HTC all offer LTE models for their Android devices. There’s nothing new! An amazingly long screen of 4 inches. Seriously? 4 inches! This is almost standard for high end phones. The S3 alone has a wopping 4.8 inch screen.

I came across a great quote today which sums up the path Apple is taking iPhone devices down: “To use a car analogy, six years ago the iPhone was like a sexy new flagship model from BMW or Porsche. Today it’s a Toyota Camry. Safe, reliable, boring. The car your mom drives. The car that’s so popular that its maker doesn’t dare mess with the formula.” (

And that’s exactly what Apple has become. It’s found a formula and is no longer pushing the benchmark.

Despite this set back, it is undeniable that the phone will sell extremely well, and will even beat the S3 sales records (in 100 days, the S3 sold over 20 million units). I guess these people like familiar – it’s why iOS users are so in love with their devices. You are told what to use, and how to use it! “Thanks Apple J” …they will say with open arms.

So the iPhone5, innovative and new – Far from it. But it’s a solid phone (just behind the times) and gives the iPhone lovers what they want.

Will it win the mass over though, and will it convert the Android lovers? We shall see.

Chris S.


  1. The iPhone5 announcement felt underwhelming right? Because Apple broke their own rule – they started talking about specs, rather than focusing on utility. Who cares about processor speeds and touch screen resistors when we can believe that Retina, Facetime and Siri will change our lives forever?

    Android will always win when it comes to specs because it’s driven by true market forces – many manufacturers all competing against each other on release cycles much faster than Apple could possibly keep up with.

    In today’s announcement, we were all waiting for the “one more thing”. This time it was supposed to be yet another feature that everyone else already has (NFC), but we wanted to believe that Apple would do it better, changing the way we pay for things forever. Without this promise of life-changing utility, the iPhone has become just another… phone.

  2. Great article Amer. So true. Although not as ground breaking as its made out, the phone will still sell like hot cakes at a school gala. Same cake, thinner wrapper.

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