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How do you turn an exciting innovation like Google glass into something bland and boring? Create a shopping video using two lack-luster actors that have badly scripted dialogue. Poor acting aside, the new Google Glass looks to offer very exciting opportunities to have digital enhance our everyday lives.

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There’s been a lot of talk about Penguins and Pandas in the SEO world recently. Rather than launch into a technical spiel about the advantages and setbacks of each of these highly important Google algorithm updates, Reload Media have put the most important information into an easy to digest infographic.

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It’s happened to you before — you go online to book a hotel room for your trip, pay what you think is a great discount, and notice that the price drops the next day. Well there is a new way to avoid the frustration with Tingo.

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Big App-etite


There is no shortage of cooking apps in the market, making it more difficult to stand out from the crowd. However ChefDay have taken it a step further beyond recipe inspiration and instructions. They offer great recipes from a celebrity chef with the added option of having all the required ingredients delivered to a user’s house!Why just provide the advice when you can also provide the product? This type of vertical integration begs the question of how many other apps could take their service offering to the next level? Some food for thought…

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Organisations and brands are relentlessly making the case that they need to innovate or they’d lose their footing. However when asked “how do they treat failure in his organization many see it as something to be avoided. Innovation efforts are risky and can (by definition) fail. And failure can sting. So if you haven’t figured out how to take some of the sting out of failure, you won’t get innovation. Here are three tips to take the sting out of failure and drive innovation.

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