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Often copywriting is seen as an afterthought in digital work. Nail a killer strategy, design like picasso, develop the masterpiece then haul it back over to the client to plug in the content. However wordsmithing is not just a nice to have, it is essential to customer relationships! As the old advertising saying says “the customer is not an idiot, she is your wife.”

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It’s natural to want to tell every little detail of your campaign in a case study – don’t do it! While Humpty Dumpty may have been wearing corduroy pants when he fell off the wall, it doesn’t really matter. Read on for more about Humpty and other pointers worth keeping in mind when crafting your next case study.

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It takes just two-tenths of a second for customers to form a first impression of your site. So the importance of a well-designed homepage to clinching a sale cannot be understated. Find out what users look at when they visit your site and which aspects need to catch their eye.

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Drawing on her experience as a behavioral therapist in college, Adriana Herrera realized that key design principles from her work with Autistic children could also be applied to the website she founded. Since launching the new UI, engagement–as measured by return visits and browsing–is up 120%.

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As we continue to look for ways to bridge the gap between Facebook likes and consumer spending, it’s important to see how much social media is affecting potential customers.

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