All posts tagged retail


Whilst other brands are taking their business online, Leica opts for the physical experience

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Pickie aims to provide users with a catalogue of goods based on the items being discussed by their contacts on social media sites.

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For the past few years, we’ve been told over and over again that NFC will eventually replace the common wallet. And yes, NFC is a great technology. Parts of Europe and China are using it for public transport transactions, and the sharing of content between devices is incredibly cool (just check out this commercial). And moreover, the ability to ditch all of your loyalty cards and combine them in one place (potentially) PassBook-style would be highly convenient. But where mobile payments are concerned, there is no problem to be solved.

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IBM Research announced the prototype of a mobile app that can act as a personal shopping assistant in stores. The mobile app could be branded and provided by retailers. Consumers would download the app and then input products they’re shopping for and their selection criteria.

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eBay’s PayPal payment service will join with cable company Comcast Corp. and set-top box maker TiVo Inc. to let television viewers donate money and buy goods from their TV sets using a remote control.

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