

Some thoughts about how social platforms could become a One stop shop. Or are users happy with how it is now?

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In our rapidly evolving digital industry, the leaders are always the ones who keep up with the pace and do it well. Therefore, it pays to check in with the movers and shakers of the industry and get accurate insights into what the most important digital trends are moving forward.

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Did RIM miss a beat by letting Nokia / Windows Phone take control of the company that delivered one of their most exciting features to date?

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“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it” – give a consumer a compelling reason to believe in your brand and they will overcome almost any barrier to participate.

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Coca-Cola has put a new vending machine in tactical places around the world. Once you engage with the machine, it gives you 70 secs to race to another location, while avoiding obstacles along the way.

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